After obtaining his B.S. degree in Chemistry from Illinois College, Steve attended the St. Louis College of Pharmacy (StLCOP) where he graduated with his B.S. Pharm degree and was a member of the Rho Chi Pharmaceutical Honor Society. Following graduation, Steve spent several years as Assistant Director of Medical Affairs at a drug database company where he researched and coordinated material for inclusion in the databases and was the Assistant Editor of Evaluations of Drug Interactions. He also worked part-time as a clinical pharmacist at a St. Louis hospital, reviewing charts in the ICU. At Facts and Comparisons, a premier drug information publisher, Steve started as Assistant Editor and eventually became Publisher and then President and CEO. In 2002 Steve joined Corum Health Services as Director of Pharmacy and in 2017 became Executive Director. Other professional activities of note include 9 years on the Board of Trustees at StLCOP, a current member of the Preceptor Advisory Council at the college, and a current member of the Customer Advisory Board for Smith Drug, Corum’s drug wholesaler. Steve has written numerous articles for newsletters and other publications and was a recipient of StLCOP’s Alumni Association Outstanding Achievement Award and the Distinguished Alumni Award – Service to the College.

Steve Hebel
Pharmacist & Executive Director