Trusted in the industry since 1994. Corum is a long-term care pharmacy that is dedicated to the needs of our patients in a variety of care settings. We believe our experience, expertise, and commitment set us apart, resulting in an increased level of care not found anywhere else.
why people trust us
Our team realizes that choosing a pharmacy is a big commitment. There is a reason why pharmacists consistently rank at the top of the most trusted professionals in the United States. Let us show you how much we care!



we are passionate about serving…
Our healthcare team has almost 400 years of combined senior care experience. We have team members with backgrounds in long-term care, retail, publishing, hospital, outpatient clinic, consulting, nursing, drug information, and more. We are passionate about the community and the populations that we serve!
we are an experienced healthcare team
Our dedicated and experienced team works together to provide a variety of services to meet your specific needs! We offer multiple modes of medication packaging, sterile and nonsterile compounding services, emergency medications, medication consultation, immunizations, hospice services, medication delivery, billing services, and more. See what we can do for you!
we are proud to lead the industry
We are proud to be a trusted resource and member of the interdisciplinary healthcare team alongside doctors and nurses. We are proud to precept students from St. Louis College of Pharmacy and help train the next generation of pharmacists. We are proud to serve you and your loved ones.