Welcome to The Corum Capsule Blog!

Welcome! Our Corum pharmacy team is so excited to connect with you via our new website and blog- The Corum Capsule! Whether you are a patient, nurse, caretaker, pharmacist, physician, or someone interested in current healthcare topics, we hope this blog will have something useful for you. The Corum Capsule will be utilized to give quick updates on anything from new long-term care regulations, to new clinical guidelines, to new medications on the market, to current healthcare topics, to fun updates within our pharmacy, and more. We hope to utilize a number of different voices on our blog, including pharmacy students and guest bloggers. All information provided will be from reputable sources, and it will be made clear when we are sharing our professional opinions. We are always open to new ideas – let us know what you would like to hear about on our blog! We aim to be a valuable resource for our clients and other members of the healthcare team.
Corum is very proud of all that we have to offer – please check out our website (corumpharmacy.com) to learn about our history, meet our team, and see how passionate we are about caring for our patients. Whether you are someone we are currently providing pharmacy services for or someone looking for a new pharmacy to fit your needs, we would love to talk to you and provide a more personalized level of pharmacy service. Our team is like family, and we will treat you like family too!
By Danielle Chamness, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP